Every time you place an order we plant a tree.
We call it "TECH4 Trees"
Buy Tech, Plant A Tree!
We recognise that as a small company we likely won't make a massive difference alone, however collectively if we all take a small action then we believe this'll add up into something that can make a difference.

Ecologi provide a very clever technology platform that allows businesses to easily become more climate positive and begin to offset their emissions and generally be more climate positive.
Ecologi only work with tree-planting partners who plant trees responsibly.
In addition, their partners are regularly audited by third parties, and publish internal reports for them with updates and data from their planting sites.

This web shop, and all our other web shops, are directly integrated with Ecologi's platform.
Every time an order is placed we automatically fund a tree.
There's no extra work for you to do, and you're not relying on ourselves to do anything.
It's all automatic the second you place an order!